Primus in private
Travelling around has its time; some private life is always important. Would you like to meet Primus during some daily tasks, sometimes a bit...well...intimate. Thought so. Here we go:

Primus fully concentrated, as he was just working with the web pages.

After the africa tour, it was nice to get home and into a nice bath tub...NO WAY! Primus don't like to have a swim! Actually, this is his only one so far. It was absolutely necessary as the african red dust made his natural white front look...well...unclean. Unfortunately, another tub session is just around the corner, after a hard tour in Peru, Chile with Easter Island, and finally Australia.

Poor penguin. It took more than three days to completely dry. Primus definitely refused both the tumble dryer as well as the hair dryer.

Some friends happened to drop by.

Ready to go to Australia! Primus is not at all happy with his lodging during the travel. "It's always this way", he complains. "I'm just get stuffed in without hardly being able to breath. Not that I have to, but any way." Brunbjörns (see stuffed friends page) pillow can be seen, and actually also one of Brunbjörns ears (he was not feeling comfy either).


Oohhhhh...I feel dizzy...

This was much more fun than last time, but it takes ages to dry!

Here is a challenge! What kind of machine is Primus sitting on? It's world famous (at least it should be). The movie the last starfighter may give a hint.

An aquarium? A bar? Not only! Again, quiztime. Should be easy if you got the above one right.

Travel can be very challenging for penguins. Look how humiliating this certain day was for Primus!

Primus got a present - a deck of cocktail cards. He was soooo happy!

Bath tub time again! Why is the world so dirty?'s actually rather soft.

A backpack with Penguin Class in the upper compartment. That's better, much better!

Primus is a penguin. Unfortunately, after antarctica, he really (really!) just also smells likte one a bit too much. Primus sighs. Oh well, better jump in straight away.

And as our seven continent hero really sinks into a swim, well aren't we all happy for his sake?

One of many presents for Primus.

Another day in the bathtub. Primus tries to get rid of all the Y3.

Primus has got his own fish-inspired blanket as a gift from an admirer.

Many people celebrated Primus reaching 40. The theme was "Primus - the world traveler" and in fact, even the world itself did show up. Lilla bä and his friends all came together.

All guests challenged the fish pond, and everyone was successful in fetching canned fish of all kinds.

Primus private table, with his invited cuddly friends.

Primus friend Sessan prepared for a space cruise. Only the rocket now, and they are ready to go.

Primus and his fiancee Frkn Pingvin shares a sashimi

Primus visited Berlin, and went for Napoleons old chair at "Zur Letzten Instanz"

A photo, almost fragile, of Primus contemplating silently in direct sunlight

Primus won't freeze tonight!

A penguin for his chair!

For his 70th birthday, the cruise staff baked a cake for Primus

Since he is 70, he added some bubbles as well!

Primus got a gigantic can of tuna as a present. Was he happy!

Behind the scenes in Honningsvåg

Behind the scenes in Honningsvåg, again!

Back in the cabin, Primus, Polly-Ester and Kramfisssk are all exhausted!
