Primus way of living
This is not intended to immediately overtake any of the current religions. Primus just thinks that the world might need a few modern words of wisdom. After all, few stuffed guys, or living persons for that way, have had the opportunity to travel and learn as much as Primus. The way of life will be improved over years to come, and should at no point be regarded as finished. All stuffed animals are welcome to contribute to Primus way of life. This might be in terms of a sentence, paragraph or maybe an illustrative example to some certain case. Contributions might be at any level. Primus will read, sometimes reject, sometimes modify. If in any way used by Primus, the contributing animal will be rewarded by the precence of his name within the text. Please send contributions to primuspingvin using the service

This forum is currently empty, as Primus is summarising his wisdom at this very moment. Among others, he will discuss the meaning of life, planet Earth, daily life, food, sex, equality, behaviour, and much, much more. Patience, please! The show can't yet begin.
